Google Colab mount Google Drive and connect with Weights and Biases to track model training progress(cool TensorBoard alternative)
I use Google Colab since it provides a free GPU, and it’s pretty easy to connect to your google drive. It feels like having another computer. But my TensorBoard code didn’t work when I opened a Jupyter notebook. This is because TensorBoard runs locally, and my Colab “computer” hasn’t set it up yet. Then I found a great alternative toolkit, Weights and Biases. I love the name, and it is so easy to use; here are some notes on how to use it.
Mount Google Drive
It is easy, just authorize it as below
from google.colab import drive# Prompt for authorization.
drive.mount('/content/drive')# Check your drive
!ls "/content/drive/My Drive"
You can check the file route on the left
Save your folder path for convenience