The Almost Drop-Out Diary: Weeks 4&5 - Stressful but Survived

Renee LIN
4 min readJun 23, 2024

Last Monday, I was incredibly stressed because the final progress review was just two weeks away, as mentioned in my last post. Now, I can say I almost dropped out — but I didn’t. Perhaps you, too, could hold on a bit longer before making such a decision. I passed the final progress review this past Friday. Although my results did not satisfy the external reviewer, I still have six months left. I’m determined to improve my results while writing my thesis like my peers. Fortunately, I passed the internal review, and my current work and research plan for the next six months have been approved by the panel.

Reflecting on the Experience:

  1. The Hardship — The last few weeks have been a test of endurance and commitment.
  2. A Mindset Shift Saved Me — Adopting a new perspective was crucial in overcoming the obstacles.
  3. 3. I Made It — Despite the challenges, I succeeded in meeting the panel’s expectations.

1. The hardship

I worked extremely hard over the last two weeks:

  • Four days were spent trying to develop something new for the review presentation.
  • Then, I spent three days writing the report, approximately 20,000 words over 50 pages. well, 10,000 of it was directly…



Renee LIN

Passionate about web dev and data analysis. Huge FFXIV fan. Interested in healthcare data now.